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City Administration: structure

Head of the Vladimir city        Dmitriy Naumov

Tel.: +7 (4922) 53-28-17, fax: 53-04-54, e-mail:

● Law Department
Deputy Head of the Department: Denis Giodaev, tel.: +7 (4922) 53-01-55

● Financial Department

Head of the Department: Vera Trusova, tel.: +7 (4922) 53-00-39

● Office on  Mobilization policy
Head of the Office: Andrey Balandin, tel.: +7 (4922) 53-39-70

● Office on  the protection of state secrets
Head of the Office: Aleksander Kuznetsov, tel.: +7 (4922) 53-18-82

● City Head's secretariat
Head of the secretariat: Ruslan Ishanov, tel.: +7 (4922) 53-28-63

● Department of territorial security & municipal control

 Head of the department: Aleksey Surovtsev, tel.: +7 (4922) 37-71-34


Vladimir Garev

First deputy Head

Tel. +7 (4922) 53-01-88

● Housing Allocation Department
Head of the Department: Anna Pavlova, tel.: +7 (4922) 53-41-29

● Department of the Municipal Order
Head of the Department: Oleg Zyablov, tel.: +7 (4922) 44-75-88

● Department of Accountancy

Head of the Department: Elena Navarina, tel.: +7 (4922) 53-42-30

● Administration of Leninskiy district

Head of the administration: Sergey Litvinkin, tel.: +7 (4922) 32-22-50

● Administration of Oktyabrskiy district
Head of the administration: Vyacheslav Bochkarev, tel.: +7 (4922) 33-37-27, fax 32-35-08

● Administration of Frunzenskiy district
Head of the administration: Nikolay Markin, tel.: +7 (4922) 32-28-71, tel/fax 45-32-90

Denis Yegorov

First deputy Head

Tel. +7 (4922) 53-23-14

● Department of Mass Media and Public Relations

Head of the Department: Yulia Zhyriakova, tel.: +7 (4922) 32-71-05

● Staff department 

Head of the Department: Aleksey Starostin, tel.: +7 (4922) 53-01-60

● Department of Informatization & documentation

Head of the Department: Sergey Chernikov, tel.: +7 (4922) 53-01-97, fax: +7 (4922) 53-02-83 

● Archives Department

Head of the Department: Dmitriy Staroverov, tel.: +7 (4922) 53-60-74  

Gleb Seregin

Deputy Head

Tel. +7 (4922) 

● Department of housing and public utilities Head of the Department:             Aleksey Shumnik, tel./fax: +7 (4922) 53 18 98

● Department of environmental control
Head of the Department: Sergey Sukhoparov, tel./fax: +7 (4922) 35-36-08, fax 45-01-00

● Department of transport and communication
Head of the Department: Yuriy Ivanov, tel.: +7 (4922) 42-02-54

Sergey Sysuev

Deputy Head

Tel. +7 (4922) 53-01-47

● Department of Architecture and Construction
Dep.Head of the Department: Igor Soloviev, tel.: +7 (4922) 32-75-95

Sergey Bykalov

Deputy Head

Tel. +7 (4922) 53-01-74

● Department of economy, investment, entrepreneurial development, service and consumer market

Head of the Department: Olga Gareva, tel.: +7 (4922) 32-23-86

● Department of Municipal Property

Head of the Department: Irina Alekseeva, tel.: +7 (4922) 35-35-32

● Department of Land Resources

Head of the Department: Maksim Volkov, tel.: +7 (4922) 53-68-96

● Municipal institution “Department of Outdoor Advertising and Information”

Director: Denis Pozdnyakov, tel.: +7 (4922) 36-22-15

Elena Zaprudnova

Deputy Head

Tel. +7 (4922)  53-03-79

● Civil Registry Office
Head of the Office: Jana Mitrokhina, tel.: +7 (4922) 21-25-30

● Education and youth policy Department
Head of the Department:  Roman Churkin, tel.: +7 (4922) 53-70-85  

● Sport, physical culture Department
Head of the Department: Marat Mangushev, tel./fax: +7 (4922) 53-33-33

● Department of Culture 
Head of the Department: Elena Ermakova, tel.: +7 (4922) 32-34-19

● Commission on affairs of minors and protection of their rights
Executive secretary of the Commission:  Anna Bakalo, tel.: +7 (4922) 52-04-69

Publicated: 06.09.2024 13:05:40 
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